Exciting upgrades to FA!

Hi all! I’m excited to announce a number of new developments to the Friendly Anarchism project, including a store with some swag for sale, a Patreon donation page so I can keep this project going, a blog so I can start doing some writing as well, a phone number, a mailing address, and, of course, this website! Thank you so much to everyone who has been so supportive of this project! It means a lot to me and all of the positive feedback has been incredibly uplifting and given me the drive to keep on keepin’ on. God bless!


FA patch 3[image description: Square black canvas patch. Handwritten in white puffy paint “Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly – Friendly Anarchism”. The A in walk is a red anarchy symbol. There is also a black puffy paint flag and two black hearts.]

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